Porcelain veneers available with Walnut Creek, CA dentist
Imperfections that affect the smile’s appearance can negatively detract from an otherwise attractive smile. Many patients with broken, stained, or unusually shaped teeth may want to ask their Walnut Creek, California area dentist, Dr. Mark Wong, about the advantages of using porcelain veneers to enhance the smile. Below are just a few of the more commonly asked questions about these restorations:
What is a porcelain veneer?
A porcelain veneer is a facing that is made to disguise imperfections underneath of it on the visible portion of the natural tooth. It covers problem areas and concerns, including teeth that are:
- Gapped
- Stained
- Misaligned
- Unusually shaped
- Short
- Narrow or pegged teeth
- Permanently stained.
- Chipped/cracked.
What can I expect with porcelain veneers before and after placement?
Before placement, patients will have their teeth prepared with the removal of a thin portion of enamel on the front of the tooth. The tooth is roughened as well to ensure the best adhesion. Impressions are made to create the veneers, and when they return to the dental office, patients will come back in to have them bonded in place. Proper care is important afterward to ensure that they last as long as possible.
Do porcelain veneers stain?
While there are other options for covering imperfect teeth, such as composite resin bonding, these other options are less superior than porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers will not stain and can last a decade or longer with proper care and monitoring with Dr. Mark Wong during routine evaluations.
Will a porcelain veneer protect my tooth?
Porcelain veneers are not used for protection. In fact, the tooth underneath the veneer is still susceptible to cavities and infection. Therefore, routine dental visits and proper dental care at home is necessary to not only keep the smile free from problems, but to ensure the porcelain veneer lasts as long as possible for the patient.
Enhance your smile today with the ease of porcelain veneers.
If you are looking into ways to rejuvenate your smile quickly and easily, porcelain veneers might be right for you. Call the office of Dr. Mark Wong and his team today to find out if you are a good candidate for this or other restorative and cosmetic treatments available. The office is located at 3075 Citrus Circle, Suite #204 and can be reached by phone at (925) 678-5600. He accepts new and established patients, including children and adults of all ages!